Fit and finish are superior to the RIA gun and at least comparable to the SIG. The pistol looks like the SIG P238 and less like the RIA Baby Rock. 380 is smaller than the others and the company’s first.
#Springfield 911 9mm pocket holster full size#
Springfield Armory has been producing credible concealed carry handguns alongside its full size and competition-grade pistols for decades. Personal opinion cannot interfere with an honest evaluation. Some will find the 911 a great carry gun, I find it a perfect backup pistol. 380 is as good a deterrent as any-as long as he sees “shoot” in your eyes. That being said, if the adversary is motivated by profit and doesn’t want to get shot, the. The 9mm is a baseline for many of us so consider your choice before going to a smaller caliber. Let’s get real and meet the author halfway with your own experience.) The pistol is supplied with a flush-fit six-round magazine and an extended seven-round magazine. (There have been reviews that were written by those who have not handled, and certainly not fired, the pistol that state the trigger action is lighter. The 911 features a single-action trigger breaking at 6.1 pounds that is an advantage in easy shooting ability.

45 for personal defense will be able to instantly acclimate to the pistol but there are differences. The 911 is a single-action pistol that operates like a 1911, with a few differences worth noting. 380 ACP pistol weighs a mere 12.6 ounces and is only 5.5 inches long. I normally include a spec sheet at the end of the report, but the size of the 911 is among the things that are most interesting, so I will discuss size first. That is a bold statement, but this is a fine handgun sure to be enjoyed by many shooters.

Springfield Armory has recently introduced one of the neatest, most compact, and useful.